ELLIPAL Wallet | Official Website |

The Ellipal Wallet is a hardware wallet designed to provide secure storage and management of cryptocurrencies. It stands out in the market for its emphasis on

Ellipal Wallet is a hardware wallet designed to securely store cryptocurrencies and provide a user-friendly interface for managing digital assets. Here’s an overview of the Ellipal Wallet and its key features:

Features of Ellipal Wallet

  1. Hardware Wallet Security:

    • Ellipal Wallet is a cold wallet, meaning it stores your private keys offline, reducing the risk of hacking or unauthorized access.

    • Private keys are generated and stored within the device, ensuring they never leave the wallet.

  2. Air-gapped Design:

    • Ellipal Wallet operates in an air-gapped environment, meaning it does not connect to the internet directly.

    • Transactions are signed offline on the device and then transferred via QR codes, enhancing security by minimizing exposure to online threats.

  3. Multi-Currency Support:

    • Supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including major coins like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and various ERC-20 tokens.

    • Users can manage multiple accounts for different cryptocurrencies within the wallet.

  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Features a large touchscreen display for easy navigation and interaction with the wallet.

    • Simplifies the process of sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, checking balances, and managing accounts directly on the device.

  5. Mobile App Integration:

    • Connects with the Ellipal mobile app (available for iOS and Android), providing additional functionality and access to features like portfolio tracking and firmware updates.

    • The mobile app acts as a companion to the hardware wallet, offering enhanced management capabilities on the go.

  6. Security Features:

    • PIN protection and passphrase support for additional security layers.

    • QR code communication for transactions ensures secure data transmission between the device and external platforms.

  7. Firmware Updates:

    • Regular firmware updates ensure that the device has the latest security patches and features.

    • Updates can be conveniently installed via the Ellipal mobile app.

  8. Durable and Portable:

    • Designed to be durable and portable, suitable for users who need to access their cryptocurrencies securely while traveling or on the move.

How to Use Ellipal Wallet

  1. Setup:

    • Upon receiving the Ellipal Wallet, follow the setup instructions provided in the packaging.

    • Set up a PIN code and write down the recovery phrase (seed phrase) provided during the initial setup. Store the recovery phrase securely offline.

  2. Wallet Initialization:

    • Power on the Ellipal Wallet and initialize it using the touchscreen display.

    • Create or import cryptocurrency accounts by following the on-screen instructions.

  3. Transaction Management:

    • To send cryptocurrencies, select the account, enter the recipient’s address, and specify the amount using the touchscreen.

    • Confirm the transaction details on the device and sign the transaction offline. Use the Ellipal mobile app to scan QR codes for transaction data.

  4. Mobile App Integration:

    • Download and install the Ellipal mobile app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).

    • Connect the Ellipal Wallet to the mobile app via QR code scanning or Bluetooth (depending on the model), enabling additional features and management options.

  5. Security Best Practices:

    • Keep your Ellipal Wallet and mobile app updated with the latest firmware and software versions to ensure optimal security.

    • Store your PIN code and recovery phrase securely and avoid sharing them with anyone.


Ellipal Wallet offers a robust solution for securely storing and managing cryptocurrencies through its hardware wallet and mobile app integration. With its air-gapped design, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive security features, Ellipal Wallet is suitable for both beginners and experienced users seeking a reliable way to safeguard their digital assets.

Last updated